Appendix G - Examples of Sustainable Forestry-Related Goals


American Forest and Paper Association
"Our goal is to sustain and expand a renewable resource that will meet future consumer demand at competitive prices while, at the same time, respecting the diverse demands imposed by society, including the rational protection of sanctuary and habitat." (Source:
Oregon Department of Forestry
Recreation goals as identified in the Northwest Oregon State Forests Management Plan that guides the recreation planning process.

  • Goal 1: Provide diverse forest recreation opportunities that supplement, rather than duplicate, opportunities available in the region.
  • Goal 2: Provide opportunities for interpretation and outdoors education on state forest lands.
  • Goal 3: Manage recreational use of the forests to minimize adverse impacts to other resources and adjacent ownership.
  • Goal 4: Minimize conflict among user groups.
  • Goal 5: Maintain compatibility with Oregon's Statewide Planning Goal 8 (Recreational Needs).

(Source: Oregon Department of Forestry,
Maine Audubon Sustainable Forestry Goals and Objectives
Overall Forestry Goal: Ensure that forestry is compatible with maintaining forest ecosystem integrity, is economically sustainable, and socially beneficial.
State-level Sustainable Forestry Objectives:

  1. Maintain ecological integrity of managed forest:
    • Habitat is capable of supporting full range of local fauna and flora. Especially critical is adequate mature forest.
    • Biological integrity of aquatic ecosystems is maintained.
    • Large forest blocks and habitat connectivity are maintained in the Southern Maine landscape
  2. Ensure continued benefits to society
    • Long-term harvest levels are sustainable, with a focus on growing quality sawtimber. Pulpwood production does not dominate management decisions and rotation lengths.
    • Maine's forests sustain economically healthy communities while providing clean water and air as well as diverse recreation opportunities.

Fraser Basin, British Columbia, Directions and Goals of the Charter for Sustainability
Direction 1: Understanding Sustainability
Goal 1 Lifestyle choices that consider and enhance Basin sustainability.
Goal 2 Encourage leadership promoting sustainable lifestyles.
Goal 3 Sharing ideas to help others contribute to sustainability.
Goal 4 Life-long learning that enables residents to achieve sustainability targets.
Direction 2: Caring for Ecosystems
Goal 5 Management of water resources to protect and maintain water quality.
Goal 6 Diverse and abundant fish stocks, supported by healthy habitat to provide for the needs of all users.
Goal 7 Diversity and abundance of natural species and habitat in the Basin.
Goal 8 Forest lands for economic, recreational and aesthetic use are managed to respect ecological systems.
Goal 9 Agricultural lands to balance opportunities with the protection of ecological systems.
Goal 10 Outdoor recreation opportunities to enhance social and economic well-being, connect us with natural systems and minimize our impacts on the environment.
Goal 11 Mining activities to support the social and economic diversity of the Basin's communities and the integrity of the Basin's ecosystems.
Goal 12 An energy system to provide for social and economic needs, reduce our reliance on non-renewable energy sources and support the well-being of ecosystems.
Goal 13 Air quality to allow for vibrant and healthy communities and healthy ecosystems.
Direction 3: Strengthening Communities
Goal 14 Community well-being to enable residents to meet their economic, social and environmental needs.
Goal 15 Community stewardship to enable residents to take action to protect, restore and enhance the local natural environment.
Goal 16 Aboriginal communities to enable residents to preserve their culture, develop strong economies and interrelate with non-aboriginal communities.
Goal 17 Growth management to protect clean air and water, provide for affordable housing, and conserve farmland, wilderness and unique natural areas.
Goal 18 Transportation to enable the efficient movement of people and goods without contributing to pollution.
Goal 19 Adequate infrastructure to support community needs.
Goal 20 A diverse economy to provide jobs in all communities while protecting environmental and social values.
Direction 4: Improving Decision Making
Goal 21 Adoption of common boundaries based on natural watershed boundaries.
Goal 22 Collective and cooperative decision-making that promotes the use of partnerships to achieve sustainability.
Goal 23 Participation of aboriginal people in decision-making to ensure that decisions respect their culture and rights.
Goal 24 Local decision-making to allow residents to be involved in making decisions that affect them directly.
Goal 25 Inclusive decision-making to incorporate input from a wide variety of groups and individuals.
Goal 26 Transparent and accountable decision-making to allow residents easy access to all decision-making processes and ensure that decisions, once made, are followed up by action.

(Source: 'A Preliminary Framework for the Development of Sustainability Indicators for the Fraser Basin', Revised June 12, 2000,
web site:

Pennsylvania forestry mission, 1992
Pennsylvania original forest goals were defined in its 1838 constitution. In 1992 the state rewrote its forestry mission statement to shift from multiple use to ecosystem management, to protect the forests and plant life from damage, and to increase forest and ecosystem knowledge. The new goals focus on biodiversity, clean water, recreation, timber, wildlife habitat, and mineral utilization.
(Source: Donald Floyd, Sarah Vonhof, and Heather Seyfang, Forest Sustainability: A Discussion Guide for Professional Resource Managers, Journal of Forestry, February 2001, p.8)
Greenworks, Rough Terrain
Sustainable forestry means managing our forest resources to meet the needs we have today without interfering with our future generations' needs. Any management of the forest resource must include inventory and planning to provide the basis for evaluating and implementing the goals of the landowner.
Sustainable Forestry Initiative of the American Forest & Paper Association
Sustainable Forest Principles:

  • Meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to use the forest for products as well as for ecological and other uses.
  • Promote both environmentally and economically responsible practices on AF&PA members and all other forestlands.
  • Improve long-term forest health and productivity by protecting forests against wildfire, pests, and disease.
  • Manage forests of biological, geological, or historical significance to protect their special qualities.
  • Continuously improve forest management and regularly track progress toward achieving the goal of sustainable forestry.



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