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Community-Owned Forests Library
Community Forests Background information and reports on community forests |
Forests Resources Case studies, governance models and website links for community and tribal forests |
Forests Conference Presentations from conference held June 2005 |
Community Resources for successful community involvement |
Ownership Reports on changes and trends in forest ownership |
Forest News News articles on community forests and timberlands |
and Management How-to publications and examples of forest management plans |
Issues Information and reports on conservation easements, timber sales, wood energy and other forest management issues |
and Evaluation Resources for developing management indicators and evaluation plans |
Timber Management
A Landowner's Guide to Selling Standing Timber
Ontario Woodlot Association.
A detailed handbook on preparing for a timber harvest, including sections on the basics of selling timber, long-term management, determining whether to hire a professional forest consultant, preparing for harvest, harvest operations, and legal considerations. References to legal, contract, tax and workplace safety regulations are specific to Canada.
Choosing a Silviculture System
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Eastern Ontario Model Forest.
A short guide explaining three silviculture systems - how they work, resulte, where they work best, and benefits and disadvantages.
Wood Energy
Harnessing the Power of Local Wood Energy: Ensuring a sustainable supply of woodchips for your school
Caitlin Cusack. The Forest Guild, 2008.
A case study of the installation of a woodchip heating system at school in Bristol, Vermont, providing a framework that other communities can use to develop a standard for sourcing woodchips. While the guide is specifically geared toward ensuring a sustainable supply of woodchips for schools, it is also applicable to other community buildings.
Wood Chip Heating Systems: A Guide for Institutional and Commercial Biomass Installations
Timothy M. Maker. Biomass Energy Resource Center, 2004.
A detailed, step-by-step guide to wood chip heating systems, from investigating the feasibility of burning wood chips to studying its cost-effectiveness, and finally installing an appropriate biomass system. This goes from providing an overview of wood chip heating systems and appropriate settings for their application to detailed technical specifications for installation.
Working Forest Conservation Easements
Ensuring Sustainable Forestry Through Working Forest Conservation Easements in the Northeast
Perschel, Robert. June, 2006. The Forest Guild.
This report includes a survey of three working forest easements and evaluates how well each easement and its related documents ensures sustainable forestry. These three examples contain a number of key components that can be selectively combined to improve the next wave of easements.
Trends in Working Forest Conservation Easements
Lind, Brenda. April, 2001. Land Trust Alliance.
A report from the April 2001 meeting of the Land Trust Alliance Working Forest Conservation Easements Advisory Panel, discussing emerging WFCE trends and ongoing challenges, including forming complex partnerships with multiple parties in easement transactions, documenting and monitoring a forest’s multiple resources and managing public access on some working forestlands.
Working Forest Conservation Easements: A Primer for Forest Landowners
University of Maryland Cooperative Extension, 2002
Provides a short introduction to working forest conservation easements.