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Community-Owned Forest Links 

Community Forestry Support Organizations and Resources
American Forests American Forests is the nation’s oldest nonprofit citizens’ conservation organization. Its vision is to have healthy forest ecosystems for every community.

Building Better Rural Places - Forestry, Fisheries, Wildlife and the Environment
A guide to federal programs for sustainable agriculture, forestry, Conservation and Community Development, including information resources, technical assistance and funding sources.

Community Forestry Resource Center

The Community Forestry Resource Center works to promote responsible forest management by encouraging the long-term health and prosperity of small, privately-owned woodlots, their owners, and their communities. The CFRC website's library has many useful publications on sustainable forest management.

Conservation Fund

The Conservation Fund forges partnerships to conserve America’s legacy of land and water resources. Through land acquisition, sustainable programs and leadership training, the Fund and its partners demonstrate balanced conservation solutions that emphasize the integration of economic and environmental goals.

The Cooperative Extension System is a nationwide educational network connected with each state's land-grant university. Local or regional offices are staffed by experts who provide useful, practical, and research-based information on agriculture and natural resource issues. 

Forest Guild

The Forest Guild promotes ecologically, economically and socially responsible forestry as a means of sustaining the integrity of forest ecosystems and the human communities dependent upon them.

Forest Landowners Guide to Internet Resources

Listing of internet resources developed for Non-Industrial Private Forest (NIPF) landowners in the Northeast and Midwest, but many are useful for community-owned forests and for other regions. Provides links to publications and other information resources relating to forest stewardship, including forest management planning, recreation, timber sales, and wildlife management.

Forest Stewardship Council

The Forest Stewardship Council promotes well-managed forests through certification of forests and forest products as environmentally responsible, socially acceptable and economically viable.

National Association of State Foresters Roster

The National Association of State Foresters seeks to discuss, develop, sponsor and promote programs and activities which will advance the practice of sustainable forestry, the conservation and protection of forest lands and associated resources and the establishment and protection of forests in the urban environment. The website provides a list of contact information and links to the state forester and forestry agency for every state.

National Community Forestry Resource Center - Northern Forest Region

The NCFRC has information on community forestry demonstration projects, as well as several useful documents on community-based forestry, including forest-related research, community forestry case studies, and grant writing and funding resources.

National Network of Forest Practitioners

The National Network of Forest Practitioners is an alliance of rural people working on the ground to build a forest economy that is ecologically sound and socially just.

Northern Forest Alliance - Vermont Town Forest Project

The Vermont Town Forest Project fosters enhanced appreciation, stewardship and appropriate locally-led expansion of Vermont's town forests.

Northern Forest Center

The Northern Forest Center's Sustainable Forest Futures program promotes investments in sustainably managed forests and sustainable forest enterprises that provide living wage jobs.

Pinchot Institute for Conservation

The Pinchot Institute for Conservation is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to advancing forest conservation and sustainable management. The Pinchot Institute conducts research, policy analysis, and trainings on public and private forest issues.

Sierra Institute for Community and Environment

The Sierra Institute for Community and Environment is dedicated to advancing rural community well-being and sustainable ecosystems. The Sierra Institute partners with diverse communities and decision-makers to address four major program areas: Socioeconomic Monitoring and Assessment, Community Forestry and Natural Resources, Environmental Justice, and Rural Community Development and Capacity Building.

Society of American Foresters

The Society of American Foresters represens the forestry profession in the United States. The mission of the Society of American Foresters is to advance the science, education, technology, and practice of forestry; to enhance the competency of its members; to establish professional excellence; and, to use the knowledge, skills, and conservation ethic of the profession to ensure the continued health and use of forest ecosystems and the present and future availability of forest resources to benefit society.

Sustainable Northwest

Sustainable Northwest manages the Rural Voices for Conservation Coalition, which brings togehter western rural and local, regional, and national organizations to promote balanced conservation-based approaches to the ecological and economic problems facing the West. RVCC's Private Lands Working Group is working to create a vision for private lands community forestry, including community-owned forests.

Trust for Public Land

The Trust for Public Land helps conserve land that people can enjoy as parks, community gardens, historic sites, rural lands and other natural places. Through their Community Forest Collaborative, TPL promotes and helps communities acquire community forests in northern New England.

Funding for this project provided by the Ford Foundation and the Weyerhaeuser Family Foundation.
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