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Community-Owned Forests Library
Community Forests Background information and reports on community forests |
Forests Resources Case studies, governance models and website links for community and tribal forests |
Forests Conference Presentations from conference held June 2005 |
Community Resources for successful community involvement |
Ownership Reports on changes and trends in forest ownership |
Forest News News articles on community forests and timberlands |
and Management How-to publications and examples of forest management plans |
Issues Information and reports on conservation easements, timber sales, wood energy and other forest management issues |
and Evaluation Resources for developing management indicators and evaluation plans |
Capital Markets and Sustainable Forestry: Opportunities for Investment
Best, Constance with Michael Jenkins. June 1999. John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.
Changing From Industrial to Non-Industrial Ownership in the Northern Forest
National Community Forestry Center, Northern Forest Region, 2004
Part I - survey of over 17 individuals and companies whose livelihoods and businesses have been affected by changes in land ownership in the Northern Forest within the last 15 years.
Part II - follows the participatory research process with the New Hampshire Timberland Owners Association and others involved in natural resource management in the area.
Forests on the Edge: Housing Development on America's Private Forests
USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station. May, 2005.
A report describing housing density projections on private forests, by watershed, across the conterminous United States. Results indicate that some 44.2 million acres (over 11 percent) of private forests—particularly in the East, where most private forests occur—are likely to see dramatic increases in housing development in the next three decades, with consequent impacts on ecological, economic, and social services.
Industrial Timberland Divestitures and Investments: Opportunities and Challenges in Forestland Conservation
Block, Nadine E. and V. Alaric Sample. September, 2001.
A synthesis report of a symposium convened by the Pinchot Institute for Conservation, in collaboration with the USDA Forest Service, examining the significant increase in industrial timberland sales over the last several years, the changing ownership, the resulting implications for forest conservation, and offering recommendations for future actions.