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Community-Owned Forests Library
Community Forests Background information and reports on community forests |
Forests Resources Case studies, governance models and website links for community and tribal forests |
Forests Conference Presentations from conference held June 2005 |
Community Resources for successful community involvement |
Ownership Reports on changes and trends in forest ownership |
Forest News News articles on community forests and timberlands |
and Management How-to publications and examples of forest management plans |
Issues Information and reports on conservation easements, timber sales, wood energy and other forest management issues |
and Evaluation Resources for developing management indicators and evaluation plans |
Community Forests: A Community Investment Strategy
Community Forestry Collaborative, 2007
Defines a community forest model and analyzes the potential role of community forests in strategies for regional conservation and community and economic development. The report is based on research on the potential role of community ownership and management of forestland from GIS analysis, interviews, surveys, two workshops, and five case studies in northern New England.
What is Community Forestry and Why Does It Matter?
National Community Forestry Center Northern Forest Region. August, 2000
This essay defines what community forestry is in the United States and examines how it is being applied in communities around the country. A great introduction to community forestry.
Forest Communities, Community Forests: A collection of community forestry case studies
Rowman and Littlefield. 2003.
Community Forestry in the United States: Learning from the Past, Crafting the Future
Mark Baker and Jonathan Kusel.
An analytically rigorous and historically informed assessment of what has come to be called community forestry, examining the current state of community forestry through a grounded assessment of where it stands now and where it might go in the future.
Community-based Forest Management
World Rainforest Movement. October, 2002.
Offers an interesting perspective on community-based forestry worldwide, with short articles on community-managed forests around the world.